Thursday, June 9, 2011

Obama Country

It seems the everyone I meet, once they find out I am American, mentions Obama. Unlike Starbucks coffee guy, no one ever guesses that I am American, even though I thought my accent would once more give me away. However, once I mention that I am from New York, I get a variety of responses, often excitement and always Obama.

Here is just a sampling of the responses I've gotten from my colleagues in the Nairobi office: 
"Oh, you are from the US! From New York! Not from Texas? *walks around cowboy style, pulling imaginary guns from holster* "Not from Dallas? New York is good. And Obama."
"Oh, the US! Obama is from here, did you know?  My brother knows someone related to him."
Obama and Family
 (perhaps including that friend of my coworker's brother)
Or my favorite:
"You are in the land of Obama's father! So it is like you are home here."
The sentiment of welcome, that Kenya is my new home, is ubiquitous. Everyone I meet welcomes me to Kenya and ensures me that I will like it here. But don't worry everyone, I'm sure I will make it back to the US eventually.


  1. How cool and interesting! I wonder what they would have said before Obama was President? Do they think everyone in NY carries guns too?
    It is fascinating to hear what people who have never been think the US is like. Keep blogging about it!

  2. These quotes are priceless. I can completely picture the guy imitating someone from Texas. Classic.

  3. I definitely got Obama comments in Moscow too, only they were motivated by racism rather than good spirit and comradery. I went to a cafe and as soon as the server found out I was American he asked, "So, do you like Obama?" And when I said yes he seemed surprised. "Really?... Hmmm" I think he expected me as a white person to be incredulous that our president is black. Russians are hopelessly and shamelessly racist.
